Safety On Tour
Safety And Preparation Are Critical Components Of GO Educational Tours’ Mission.
From the planning process to the trip itself, each aspect has safety considerations. Safety is a part of all our vendor decisions from our motorcoach companies, our hotels and their location to our meal and activities selection. Each of these trip components have an impact on the safety of our passengers and we make sure to select the best vendors to ensure the optimal safety of the group.
Our GO Leaders are trained to make sure the trip is run in a safe and structured way. Each day begins with the safety review so the students are reminded of all of the safety rules. Around your motorcoach, walking as a group at the destination and meeting points and times with the teachers.
We consult with the teachers daily to review and adjust the guidelines so they meet with their expectations.`
These trips are an extension of the school coverage as they are structured and planned by the school and led by their teachers or administration.
The rules and regulations of these schools apply as if they were on school grounds and so must be adhered to by the students, staff and GO staff also.
If your school has specific rules our staff will honor and follow them. For example if some schools do not allow for baseball caps, our GO Leaders will not wear one. We do however, encourage them to wear a hat during long days outside and so bucket hats may be a substitute in such cases.
Our tours will be accompanied by a GO Leader. Our GO Leaders are trained to manage these contingencies.
GO takes travel safety seriously. We have contingency plans in place to deal with most foreseeable occurrences.
All our passengers will receive a green silicon bracelet with a toll free number on it to our travel emergency line.
Our office staff is well aware of these and our GO Leaders with you make sure that all the students on the tour are well versed and informed of the procedures.
GO has laid-out a plan for contingencies occurring when passengers (youth grades 6 to 11 and Jr. college age, 11 to 18) are traveling with their teachers and schools.
Our internal contingency plan goes into action once it is triggered by a call on a notice during a trip. We have set protocols and responses and the team is trained to support the group on the ground and also for other logistical needs.
Ultimately, preparation is the key. Before and during the tour the group will be reminded of the actions and procedures in case something should happen.
Our GO Leaders and office team will put safety first and foremost and a daily safety briefing will be reviewed with the students.
Each tour day starts and ends with safety in mind.