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New York City Virtual Field Trip

Posted by Forjee Jackson on December 6, 2020

New York City Virtual Field Trip

COVID-19 has definitely changed the way we operate and what is considered normal. It has had a great impact on travel and has definitely imposed restrictions as a result. However, learning does not have to cease as students can still visit museums and attractions, just virtually. New York has a few options for those interested in virtual field trips.

  • Ellis Island
  • The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
  • American Museum of Natural History

Ellis Island

A trip to Ellis Island, but virtually can be quite the experience for students looking to visit New York City. The virtual tour tells of the island’s significance and hoe tit came to be. Students will be able to experience the life of over 12 million immigrants during this tour. First hand stories will be told by individuals that entered America through Ellis Island. The tour also includes historical photographs and films, interesting facts, and an explanation of the role Ellis Island played during the 19th and 20th century. The tour starts with a click of a button!


The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum

The virtual entrance to The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum is sure to keep students engaged all while educating them. Students will have the option to personalize their educational experience or be a part of a virtual family program. They also have an online program that includes at home print out materials. The museum offerings and events are extensive as more is added every week ensuring that students remain entertained.


statue-of-liberty-1210001_1920Statue of Liberty


American Museum of Natural History

A must see for students visiting New York City, even if it's virtually the American Museum of Natural History. The museum offers access to a number of online exhibits as more is added each week. Along with this, students can take a virtual tour of the museum which includes a view of everything that a in person tour would. 


Yes, things have changed and we have had to adjust to a new normal for the benefit of all. However, we can still travel, explore and learn all through virtual experiences. So now that you know, it's time i get to planning your virtual field trip to New York City!


Topics: New York City, NYC, School trips, Student tours, NYC School Trips, Virtual Tours

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